How to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads are a form of acne that occur when the skin pores become blocked with dead skin cells and excess oil. Getting rid of these unsightly spots can be challenging, but there are plenty of ways to get them under control and prevent them from coming back.

The first thing you need to do is understand what blackheads are and how they form. This will help you make sure you aren’t doing anything that could worsen the situation.

Using Exfoliants

The best way to remove blackheads is by using an exfoliating cleanser that contains salicylic acid. This ingredient helps break down the dead skin cells and oil in the pores, allowing them to open up more easily, says Allison Britt Kimmins, MD, MPH. It can also help smooth out your skin. You can find a variety of cleansers that contain this ingredient at the drugstore or beauty store, and many work well for all skin types.

Try Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

If you have dry skin, a toner with raw apple cider vinegar can be very effective at balancing the pH balance of your skin and helping to remove excess oil and debris that can lead to blackheads. This toner can be applied to your skin several times a day and should not cause any irritation. You can even mix it with a bit of jojoba oil for more moisturizing results, Britt Kimmins advises.

A paste of egg white and honey is another great remedy for blackheads. The eggs are a natural pore tightener and the honey helps in healing the damaged skin.

You can apply this mask to your face for a few minutes, then rinse it off with water. It will not only make your pores look clean but will also clear your skin up and make it smoother and less prone to blackheads in the future.

Green Tea

Green tea is a great skin cleanser because of its antioxidant properties that can aid in removing blackheads. It is also an excellent astringent and can be used to open up pores and reduce inflammation.

The antibacterial properties of fenugreek can be very helpful in removing blackheads and minimizing oil production, which can contribute to them popping up on your face or elsewhere. The herb is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine and can be found in many recipes for cleaning and nourishing your skin, according to Rachel Nazarian, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in New York City.


It might seem counterintuitive to add charcoal to a skincare product, but it actually does work well to eliminate blackheads. It can absorb the oil, dirt, and other toxins that may be causing them to form.

Activated charcoal is the most effective, but you can also use powdered charcoal. It can be sifted into a fine dust and applied to the skin in a mask or a scrub.

If you don’t have any on hand, you can buy a powdered version at your local health food store and add a small amount of it to a cup of water. Let it sit for a few minutes, then apply to your skin and rinse off with lukewarm water.